Sorry about the template design, I am sure this will change soon.

Why is it that Common Sense is well..... Not so common?

We seem to stumble from one issue in our country to another yet nothing and I mean nothing ever seems to change. I see people literally slagging off Chinese products saying how rubbish they are, yet tonight I see news that they have launched their new Bullet Train capable of reaching speeds of 400 km per hour.

I was walking with my partner with our dogs along the disused railway line from Brockenhurst to Ringwood and it got me thinking, why on earth would somebody close this valuable railway line? The main route (it would have joined) from Weymouth to London snakes it's way from Brockenhurst to Southampton via a station called Beaulieu Road, it's in the middle of nowhere, if anybody ever gets off it's either a tourist of maybe somebody who wants to visit the pub or maybe lives in one of the handful of terraced houses there, yet if this line be diverted in another direction to encompass the town of Lyndhurst it would allow around 19,000 possible commuters to join the rail service to London.

The branch line from Ringwood to Brockenhurst was closed in 1964 because of the Beeching railway cuts, yet had this line be allowed to exist now it would also allow access to another 14,000 potential railway customers.

The above two examples would allow access to a further 33,000 customers to our rail network for a "Drop in the Ocean" cost vs HS2. Please message me with your local potential line re-openings that I can publish for you.

We talk about the new HS2 Rail Link that will cost billions of pounds to build only to shave off a small fraction of time, I understand that a link from the North to the South is important (yes I live in the south but despair at the unjust North / South divide) but surely we can do better than this?
How many disused links are there around our country that are not being used? I am not saying that we should re-instate all of these lines, however, with today technology such as driver-less cars why can't we build simple roads on these disused lines to transport people to and from what is left of our beleaguered railway network?

This is just so much of a work in progress website and blog so please excuse me for these links for friends and family who need to wake up and smell the coffee :)

Money As Debt - Part 1 of 5
This link show you all about the history of money but more importantly what is money?

USA Debt Clock
Link to the debt that the USA is actually in, links from this page to see how much debt YOUR country is actually in :(

RT News Chanel - If you want to question more and know the truth then check them out
I won't have any other news channel on in our shop - Freeview 135